lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009


In this speech, we see a "teacher" speaking about a school, Tinkering school.
This school is not like other schools. In this one, children can use sticks, hammers...dangerous stuff. They are trusted not to hurt themselves and the others.
Tinkering school has six days duration. There are not exams and they don´t have anything organiced. Teachers don´t try to teach specific things, they let the children using their minds.
The day that they come for the firts day, it maybe is the firts time that they use tools without listening their parents shouting to them saying that it can be dangerous and the can hurt people..
They start doing things with wood, plastic, ropes..Their projects usually are not finished well but they learn how to change the steps to adapt theirs projects or plans, and they have time for it.
They start drawing, and sometimes they continues with projects. Other times they start building with no plans. The teachers don´t tell them how to work, they maybe give them advices but nothing more. The failured are celebrated and analized and problems dissapeared.
This school could help children to be independent (they don´t need help to start doing anything), creative and it could help them also with trusting themself.
The speech finalized with a roolercoster made by 7 year old children. You can see their creativity. _action.html

lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009


Nowadays, many people study languages. The most important one is English. People study it at school, private lessons, watching TV in english... People say that english is important in our life, but are we making it a MANIA?In on hand, we´ve got the people that think that learning english is really important. For them, we have to learn english, because we need it to study. Many interesting articles, magazines..are in english, so we have to know it to understand them. Also, if we want to go out for anything we will need english. And if we want to mix with people, we´ll have to use english because is the "Global language". And of course to study english never is going to be bad for us.In the other hand, we´ve got the people that think that learning english is not much important than learning other languages.Ones opinion is, that if everyone learn english and use it all the time, people are damaging other languages like french, italian...And the most damages languages are the minority, like basque.They think, people are giving much importance to english than to another languages and that it is going to be a quarrel between english and the rest of the languages.Also, they say that is not true that we need english to go out or understand people. There are lot of people that don´t know english and go to other countries and can understand other people. The last thing is that now english is important and people think that they need it, but in like 10 or less years, chinese will become an important language, maybe more than english, so in some years people would be in two minds, they wouldn´t know what to study, the language that was important or the language that the majority will speak. Still is not really clear for me if English is a mania or not, people will decide it, the only thing I know is that I´m going to go on improving my english, in case I need it.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009


A minute after Cristina, had entered the room, she knew something was wrong. She felt that her stuffs weren´t like she usually leaves then in her room. It was a chaos, the clothes were on the bed or threw on the floor, the school bag was also on the floor, the books...
Cristina started looking for her purchase, her money but she didn´t find anything.
She realized that there wasn´t anything valuable, like jewellery, money, mobile phone.. In that moment she realized that burglares had broken into her house.
She started looking around in the other rooms and she noticed that there were missing a lot of things like the TV, DVD, the laptop that used to be in the sitting room...
She straightaway phoned The police and told them what had happened while she was out.
15 minutes later, the police arrived at home. Before the police come, Cristina had phoned her parens and explained what happened.
The police started asking Cristina the typical questions but like she was out, she could´t answer any of the questions. Because of that, The police went to asked the neighbours houses.
In the meantime, like Cristina was really nervous, she sit in a chair and from the chair she could see the window. When she was looking to the street, she saw two person with dark clothes into a big van. There was a third person that was introducing the same TV and DVD that she had at home. In that moment she let The police know about what she had seem and in the moment The police went to arrest them. They were the burglares that broke into the house and Cristina and her family could recover their money and stuffs.