jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

European Union

As Ernesto told us, we can start our writing about the European Union saying: "I don´t know anything about the Eurpean Union".
It´s true. I don´t have any idea of what it is or which is it´s work. I have just seen some differences in our lives since the European Union was created.
The inhabitants of the European Union have more facilties to travel in Europe.
I remember when I was a child that we had to wait a lot of time in a jam at the border between Spain and France. We used to show our DNA more than once to pass the border
Since the European Union was created, we´ve got more facilities to travel inside Europe and we don´t have to wait hours in the border.(if there isn´t any jum for other reason.)
Another important change has been the Euro.
Before the Euro, the European country´s did not have the same coin. When you were travelling and you wanted to buy something, first you had to change the coin. It was, in my opinion a waste of time.
The Euro has also worst thing. It´s value is higher, so the price of everything have increase and live is more expensive.
There are also more changes but I´m not sure of them, so I better don´t say anything that I have no idea.
I think that the creation of the Union has been a good idea. It´s like a "unique" big country with differents smaller countrys.
I think that it will help the countrys that are in the worst position and that it will help to have better lifes.