martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Are you looking forward to voting?

When the teacher told us that we had to write about voting, I thought I was really looking forward it. Although I don´t understand a lot, I´m really interested in politics.

I want to vote because I want to change some aspects of our lives, but I´m not sure if any of the partys that are powerful would change anything.

For instance, when the goverment of the Basque Country was changed after so many years of "PNVism"(don´t know how to write it), everyone was saying that we would noticed a big change, but it hasn´t been like that. I haven´t noticed any change in my life.
So, if we want to change something, we have to start changing the partys, or better the politicians.
If we read the newspaper or watch the news, we will realize that a big amount of famous politicians are corrupt: Julian Muñoz, Berlusconi, "Gurtel" case..

To finish with it, I think it´s clear what we have to do, so maybe, instead of voting, I´ll create a new party to finish with the corrupt politicians and give the opportunity to people to change things.