domingo, 9 de enero de 2011


When I´m in the supermarket, a bar..I see a lot of people that are not natives. Most of them are immigrants. But why do they come here?

One reason can be the money. Most of the immigrants come from developing countries like Marocco, Venezuela, China..., which haven´t got enough resources to live properly.
They usually work in the jobs we don´t want to, like fishing, in building..and most of the times, they send some part of their salary to their family home.

Another reason can be the human rights. In their countries, normally, women do not have the same rights as men. They are not allowed to study, to work and sometimes not even to hang around with their friends.

However, there are strong feelings against immigrants. Same say, they only cause problems, don´t follow our rules...
But they don´t realize that problems are caused by everybody, they don´t realize it´s better for us to have different cultures in the country to be more open-minded.
And finally, they don´t want to realize, that some years ago, their parents were also immigrants.