martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

My best present

It has a difficult answer. Some years ago, when I was 6, I was asking for a ball but nowadays, I wouldn´t ask for the same stuff.
I mean that when I was 6, the best gift for me, could had been a bike or something similar. If I was given a phone or a computer, I wouldn´t use it as much as I use them now.

When I was a child, I was given some great presents like a trip to Eurodisney, a bike..
The best present from those times had been the trip to Eurodisney.
It was for my ninth anniversary. My family and me went to Paris for a week. We spent 3 days visiting Paris ( Louvre, Eiffel tower, Notre Dame..) and the other days having fun in Eurodisney. It was just incredible.

Well, coming back to 2010, the best present in the last 6 or 7 years has been a laptop. It has been a very useful present because I have used it for many things and I´m sure that I´ll use it for many other things.

After explaining the best presents in my life, I´ve to take a decision. And I think that the best present has been the trip to Eurodisney. I have spent a great time with my parents and my brothers and there isn´t anything better than enjoying your family.

2 comentarios:

  1. Not bad Ana. I agree that having a good time with your family is much better that receiving a material object. As far as constructive criticism, you need to work on your paragraph organization. Always go back and reread your writings to see if you can organize you ideas a bit better.

    my ninth birthday (anniversaries are celebrated after you are married!)

    past perfect (had/hadn't) is used to refer to a past event that happened before another past event. When talking about events in the past, always consider whether you need to use the past simple, present perfect or past perfect.

  2. Sorry, I made a mistake! ...better THAN receiving a material object.
