lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Creating a film

I am writing this article before creating the film. After creating the film, I will write my impressions, if it was easy, difficult, if there ware enough applications..
I want to create a film about Eva and one of her blokes, Eric. They live together and they join the same band of music, 13. 13 is also the name of the singer, that is a cat. Because of it, they are a really weird group and also, really famous. But the story doesn´t end that simply.
In a concert, while Eva and Eric are in their backstage, 13, the singer, is kidnpped. Without 13, the group is not the same and after trying to continue, the group split-up.
Finally, 13 is freed and when he meet with Eva and Eric, they decide to start again with the group.

1 comentario:

  1. Very good Ana! Although your story is short, you've told it well in this blog. Corrections:

    ...if there were enough...

    ...when he meets with Eva...
