miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010


Death. I don’t really like this word. It make me feel sad. I know it’s normal but I haven´t overcome yet that everything is going to finish, that I am going to lose my relatives and later on, I am going to die. I remember, some years ago, I have a teacher who talked about death without feeling any scare. And since these day, I have been thinking about death almost every night.I’m really scare of dying. It’s now that I’m scare because some years ago, when my grandfather dead, my only worry was not to play my football match (playeros). Know, I realized that it was a stupid behaviour. By these time, I hadn’t got any other thinking apart from sport. Until I was 13, I did not had any of my relatives dead, so I was like a little bit protected from it. I mean that I did not really know what was the meaning of death until 13. But even though my grandpa is dead, I think that I still don’t know the real meaning of death. I know that he is dead, but there plenty of ways of occurring a death. I knew that my grandpa was going to dead, because he was old and he had health problems. But If my mum was dead instead of my grandpa, it would be very different.

1 comentario:

  1. Not bad Ana. Always separate you sentences with two spaces. It seems that you did this blog entry very quickly because there are many small mistakes:

    ...some years ago, I had a teacher...without feeling scared.

    And since that day,...

    I'm scared...

    ...when my Grandfather died...

    Now (not 'know')

    At the time, I didn't think of anything apart from sport.

    I knew that my Grandpa was going to die...
