martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Are you looking forward to voting?

When the teacher told us that we had to write about voting, I thought I was really looking forward it. Although I don´t understand a lot, I´m really interested in politics.

I want to vote because I want to change some aspects of our lives, but I´m not sure if any of the partys that are powerful would change anything.

For instance, when the goverment of the Basque Country was changed after so many years of "PNVism"(don´t know how to write it), everyone was saying that we would noticed a big change, but it hasn´t been like that. I haven´t noticed any change in my life.
So, if we want to change something, we have to start changing the partys, or better the politicians.
If we read the newspaper or watch the news, we will realize that a big amount of famous politicians are corrupt: Julian Muñoz, Berlusconi, "Gurtel" case..

To finish with it, I think it´s clear what we have to do, so maybe, instead of voting, I´ll create a new party to finish with the corrupt politicians and give the opportunity to people to change things.

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

My best present

It has a difficult answer. Some years ago, when I was 6, I was asking for a ball but nowadays, I wouldn´t ask for the same stuff.
I mean that when I was 6, the best gift for me, could had been a bike or something similar. If I was given a phone or a computer, I wouldn´t use it as much as I use them now.

When I was a child, I was given some great presents like a trip to Eurodisney, a bike..
The best present from those times had been the trip to Eurodisney.
It was for my ninth anniversary. My family and me went to Paris for a week. We spent 3 days visiting Paris ( Louvre, Eiffel tower, Notre Dame..) and the other days having fun in Eurodisney. It was just incredible.

Well, coming back to 2010, the best present in the last 6 or 7 years has been a laptop. It has been a very useful present because I have used it for many things and I´m sure that I´ll use it for many other things.

After explaining the best presents in my life, I´ve to take a decision. And I think that the best present has been the trip to Eurodisney. I have spent a great time with my parents and my brothers and there isn´t anything better than enjoying your family.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

European Union

As Ernesto told us, we can start our writing about the European Union saying: "I don´t know anything about the Eurpean Union".
It´s true. I don´t have any idea of what it is or which is it´s work. I have just seen some differences in our lives since the European Union was created.
The inhabitants of the European Union have more facilties to travel in Europe.
I remember when I was a child that we had to wait a lot of time in a jam at the border between Spain and France. We used to show our DNA more than once to pass the border
Since the European Union was created, we´ve got more facilities to travel inside Europe and we don´t have to wait hours in the border.(if there isn´t any jum for other reason.)
Another important change has been the Euro.
Before the Euro, the European country´s did not have the same coin. When you were travelling and you wanted to buy something, first you had to change the coin. It was, in my opinion a waste of time.
The Euro has also worst thing. It´s value is higher, so the price of everything have increase and live is more expensive.
There are also more changes but I´m not sure of them, so I better don´t say anything that I have no idea.
I think that the creation of the Union has been a good idea. It´s like a "unique" big country with differents smaller countrys.
I think that it will help the countrys that are in the worst position and that it will help to have better lifes.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010


Death. I don’t really like this word. It make me feel sad. I know it’s normal but I haven´t overcome yet that everything is going to finish, that I am going to lose my relatives and later on, I am going to die. I remember, some years ago, I have a teacher who talked about death without feeling any scare. And since these day, I have been thinking about death almost every night.I’m really scare of dying. It’s now that I’m scare because some years ago, when my grandfather dead, my only worry was not to play my football match (playeros). Know, I realized that it was a stupid behaviour. By these time, I hadn’t got any other thinking apart from sport. Until I was 13, I did not had any of my relatives dead, so I was like a little bit protected from it. I mean that I did not really know what was the meaning of death until 13. But even though my grandpa is dead, I think that I still don’t know the real meaning of death. I know that he is dead, but there plenty of ways of occurring a death. I knew that my grandpa was going to dead, because he was old and he had health problems. But If my mum was dead instead of my grandpa, it would be very different.

lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Creating a film

I am writing this article before creating the film. After creating the film, I will write my impressions, if it was easy, difficult, if there ware enough applications..
I want to create a film about Eva and one of her blokes, Eric. They live together and they join the same band of music, 13. 13 is also the name of the singer, that is a cat. Because of it, they are a really weird group and also, really famous. But the story doesn´t end that simply.
In a concert, while Eva and Eric are in their backstage, 13, the singer, is kidnpped. Without 13, the group is not the same and after trying to continue, the group split-up.
Finally, 13 is freed and when he meet with Eva and Eric, they decide to start again with the group.